We are pioneering new ways of doing research focusing on the patient, research team, sites and optimizing access to clinical research.

Our Services

CRO CETERA will ensure that the provided services and clinical research are performed to the highest standards, in compliance with local regulations and ICH-GCP guidelines and especially according to Portuguese  regulatory authorities.

CETERA uses a comprehensive clinical research database  management software with an extensive  SOP list (eg. research team: role definitions, responsibilities and task delegation, protocol and protocol amendment, submission to research ethics board).

The executive management team is committed to continuous quality improvement, reviewing quality objectives on a regular basis. Continuous training and testing ensure that clinical research personnel is up to date with all professionally required knowledge.

Our storage conditions ensure that essential records are maintained in a legible condition and can be retrieved upon the request of a regulatory authority. Adequate and suitable space is provided for the secure storage of all essential records from completed studies. The facilities are secure, with appropriate environmental controls and adequate protection from physical damage.

CETERA welcomes cooperation with national and international pharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations, academic centres and investigators.

Major categories of CETERA services